Monday, April 2, 2012

Ben's 9th Just Birthday Party, Party

Nurf........or noth'n!

This is about the volume level of the whole 11am-3 pm party.  They had a super good time!  The birthday boy was happy and we had a fun birthday party!

So, when we started planning his party I asked him what theme he wanted. "No theme Mom, just a birthday party."  What?  Who's child is this and HOW do you plan "just a birthday party?"  In the list of games he wanted to play was a Nurf war- humm, the old cogs started turning.  So here are photos from Ben's Just Birthday, Birthday Party.  It was fun, low cost and HIGH fun!

Birthday Boy made a bulls eye!




 So, not going with a them, but knowing these boys would be outside in the heat of March and would need water bottles and ammo for the nerf war, the water bottle ammo holder was born.  I made them using scraps of fleece (liner) and OLD school uniform pants with holes in the knees that I refuse to patch again, I used this pattern and cut them up into Ammo/Water bottle holders.  I even used the waist band and sewed down the middle of the belt loops which made perfect all-in-one nurf dart ammo holder and carrying strap.  What can I say, I ran out of ribbon.... "necessity is the mother of invention."  It was fun to use the pockets from the pants to hold extras too.

Caleb helped decorate the poster of activities.  He suggested making them into Olympics, Ben looked at Caleb and looked and me and I explained to Caleb that the party does not have a theme.  Looks like he snuck in a little of the Olympic spirit to the poster.  I wonder where he gets it?

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