Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Walking into my heart.

Oh, he finally did it.  Joseph took his first official walk.  Oh, what a sweet boy.  Thank you Jenn R. for filming it for me.


  1. Adorable!!! Lucy started walking too!!! These babies are growing so fast! :) We sure miss you guys!! Hope life is wonderful for you! :)

  2. Hey girl! Come find us at the walk, I'd love to meet you! : ) We plan to wear red-but my design isn't done yet..but I think it'll be good! : ) heehee
    Hope you are enjoying Arkansas! Lately our weather has been PerFECT! We don't usually go from 100 to 70 so fast, but I'm loving it. Let me know if you need anything! : ) Hugs! Holly
