Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Holy Underwear Batman!

Joseph brought me Anthony's underwear and insisted I put them on OVER his pants.  "A" had a friend over and they were dressing up so he wanted something special to wear too.

Never fear ladies....Underwear Boy will save you!

Last night James was tucking A in and said, "I love you Anthony"  He replied, "Dad, I'm Peter Pan."  James said, "I love you Peter Pan."  "That's better."

No, no Jo Jo!  He was ridding off into the sunset.
This is how he felt about being turned around.

The Brothers Squad retrieving the runaway baby.
No dull days around here, no sir.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Popcorn Popping-For sure NOT the one take Osmonds

So it is that time of the year, popcorn popping on the Flowering Pear trees!  Arkansas is bursting with these clusters of white blooms.  Beautiful to the eyes, breathtaking-no really.  Our allergies are crazy!

February went out like a lion, but March came in like a lamb.