Since the accident I have been soooooooooo tired and busy with kids and dr. appointments. I thought I would finally take a min. to update about Ben's baptism. I hope to work on Caleb's graduation next. We had a great visit with Schwartz and Jemmett Grandparents!!!! Thanks for coming! We also got to have Aunt Christine and Uncle Steve and kidos come from Austin-Big treats all around! Saturday, the day of the baptism was busy with soccer, General Conference and Ben's Baptism. It was a great day and super to have family come for a visit. Oh, and on Friday night the boys took their grandmothers to the school dance.
Presidential Library for Bill Clinton.The escalators were Ben's favorite part of the Clinton Library.
Dr. Seuss exhibit was fun.
Practicing for the dance. Grandma Jemmett just flew in --literally.
Cousins 6 months apart and Spencer outweighs Joseph.
Proud brothers.
Grandpa taught Joseph how to come down the stairs and started on walking lessons.
Joseph and Grandma Schwartz at the boy's soccer games.
James and Ben just before the baptism
Our friend Emily made those cool CTR cookies!
Aunt Christine and Uncle Steve with Spencer.
Oh, and Thursday before the baptism was the Pinewood Derby!
We went to Hot Springs with Grandma and Grandpa Jemmett. Our favorite place? The TOY shop!!! Very fun.
Hot Springs Lookout!