Tuesday, November 30, 2010

12 Joys of Moving

 2 AC units stolen/vandalized 3 times--for $35 worth of copper..who says crime doesn't pay?
Bolt cutters should have to be registered like a gun and they should have "fingerprint blades"

Sheba our new guard dog...dawg gone good at it too.

"James, I didn't know we had a gate in the back of the property."  "We don't"
Amazing friends and members who helped us MANY hours of mending fences. 
Our church building and the BEAUTIFUL Arkansas trees!

Soooo many nice people in Arkansas and accross the US.  I was amazed and blessed with the people of all ages that helped me with Joseph.  Angels are all around us.

My first blizzard in Seattle of all places

Pig MANIA!  The boys LOVED the pig POOP and snout our friends got the boys for a souvenir.

Home is where your hand is.  Thanks Grandpa for taking great care of the boys.  Thanks amazing friends, neighbors, home teachers, etc. for helping while I was gone.  We are going to LOVE Arkansas but MISS our friends and family.