Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Always a first time.

Yikes, how old do I feel? Me-blogging? Really? And almost painless. Our family has been sick and I lost my voice-untill I started this entry and now I am loud and clear. Well, I'm off to shine my sink-it's a FLY Lady thing. I'm trying to loose weight (Schwartz Biggest Looser challenge) and gain control of my house and ALL the clutter. Pray the opposite doesn't happen. Someday it will look like Rebecca Wisor's-check out her blog.

I'll add a link to the FLY (Finally Loving Yourself) Lady soon. She is great. Nothing I don't already know, but a gentle reminder is GREAT! From her-NOT anyone else.

Oh, above are some photos of my boys on one of TWO Snow Days. I gave them spray bottles with water and let them choose the color. C choose red for "blood" and B choose yellow for, yep you guessed it. Later we added blue to make it green so it showed up better. Cute Kido's.